About Us

Mix It Up Life Is Short Apparel is a small business situated in Central Queensland.

 Our products are designed in Rockhampton, QLD, Australia and we use a reputable Print-On-Demand supplier Inkedjoy, situated in the Longgang district of Shenzen, China, to fulfil your orders. Our supplier has a variety of base product from various locations as part of their business structure, so we are very much part of the globalised community.

Why do we do it this way? There are a few reasons.

Inkedjoy does not have a Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ), which gives us the opportunity to only order as needed instead of buying a whole lot of stock that risks not selling. Not having to factor this risk into our product prices means we can keep our prices reasonable without sacrificing quality. 

Using a Made-To-Order model means that we are limiting our impact on the environment, we only use what we need, when we need it. 

Why a not an Australian supplier? On doing our research, we were, sadly, unable to find a supplier in Australia who could give us the variety, quality and affordability we wanted to pass on to our customers. We also believe that being part of the global market exposes us to more collaborative,  technological and innovation opportunities in the fashion world. 

I hope you love our products as much as we do!

If you have any further questions, please reach out on the "Contact Us" Page